Nichiren Buddhism For Indians!

Greetings to family, friends and to our most respected members of the Soka Gakkai Malaysia. We are from the AMALA- SGM, would like to extend our sincere appreciation and gratitude to all your support and guidance in making this blog a great success!

After 22 years since the establishment of AMALA for the Indian community who are practicing Nichiren Buddhism in Malaysia, we have taken a great step towards our Human Revolution in creating great success in this country.

SGM-AMALA was established in 1989, so far we have strive to be successful and live life with absolute happiness. Now, we realize the importance of doing Human Revolution as stressed by our honorable President Sensei Daisaku Ikeda to create value not only in ones own life but the life of others too. These are our objectives that inspired us to create this site:-

* To give more information on AMALA, SGM and SGI organization

* To educate members on faith, practice and study.

* To share information and updates on SGM-AMALA activities.

* To create a healthy network among the Amala members and Soka Friends

* To affiliate and broaden the network between SGM, SGI and Bharat Soka Gakkai.

* To create a knowledgeable and well-respected individual to represent the Indian society.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Daily Guidance


8th March


A person who constantly chants Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with courage, no matter what circumstances he/she may face, will be able to manifest Buddhahood and live in accordance with the universal rhythm of eternity, happiness, true self and purity (jo raku ga jo), due to the power of the law and the power of faith. This is the reason for our Buddhist practice. There is no other way to realise a life-condition as indestructible as that which we can attain through the practice of Buddhism.

THERE is nothing greater than the strength of spirit. This is the power of the world of the Mystic Law. It is not a matter of vested interests or formalities. The spirit is not visible to the naked eye, but the spark of the spirit of people, once ignited, will never die. It spreads out throughout the world and forever into the future.

A person of seeking spirit - one who strives to thoroughly pursue some end or master some discipline - is a person of victory. On the other hand, a person of arrogance inevitably becomes deadlocked.

ONLY to the extent that you pray, tell others about Buddhism and spread the Mystic Law will you be protected by Boten and Taishaku, the protective forces of the universe. Only to that extent will great life force, wisdom, benefit and compassion well forth from your life.

PLEASE give everyone the strength and joy to win. Towards that end, we must sincerely treasure everyone in the organisation and make every effort to help them freely and fully manifest their strength and ability.

Taken from: 

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